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Affiliate Faculty Application

We invite interested faculty members to apply for Affiliate Faculty status with IAAS. We welcome all researchers and teachers who are engaged with African diaspora content.

To apply to be Affiliate Faculty in IAAS, please submit the following via email to Dr. Carolyn Jones Medine, Director of IAAS:

  1. A current c.v.
  2. A one-page statement in which you answer the following:
    1. Why are you interested in being affiliated with the Institute for African American Studies?
    2. What current courses do you teach and what research do you engage in that would contribute to our program?
    3. What programs and initiatives are you involved with in which you might advocate for IAAS?
    4. What courses will you be willing regularly to contribute to IAAS?  (Affiliates are expected to teach one cross-listed course that will count towards the IAAS major and minor every 2-3 years.)

We will review affiliate faculty every five years to assess contributions to the work of the Institute.

Support African American Studies at UGA

The Institute defines support in diverse ways to give you as many options as possible to assist in our mission. We consider “friend-raising" as important as fund-raising. Your financial contributions and support help us to develop and strengthen our programs and offerings, both on campus and in the community. 

Your gift makes a big difference. Learn more about how you can donate today.

Study within African American cultural history provides a basis for understanding political, social, and economic relations throughout human history.